Spoilers scale
Please indicate your agreement with the following statements:
1= Strongly agree to 2 = Strongly disagree
I know how the story is going to end.
The story’s ending is given away by the preview.
I don’t know how the story will end.*
The preview tells me what to expect in the story.
I will be surprised by what happens in the story.*
Note. Reversed items indicated by asterisks.
Cite as: Johnson, B. K., & Rosenbaum, J. E. (2015). Spoiler alert: Consequences of narrative spoilers for dimensions of enjoyment, appreciation, and transportation. Communication Research, 42, 1068-1088. doi: 10.1177/0093650214564051
Narrative Processing Fluency Scale
Please indicate your agreement with the following statements.
1 = strongly disagree to 7 = strongly agree
The story was easy to follow.
I found it easy to understand the characters.
I understood what was going on.
It was easy to see why everything happened the way it did.
Cite as: Johnson, B. K., & Rosenbaum, J. E. (2016, June). Don’t tell me how it ends: Testing effects of narrative spoilers for film and television. Paper presented at the 66th Annual Conference of the International Communication Association, Fukuoka, Japan.